To All Jobseekers Wanting To Work In Japan

If you want to CAREER FLY in Japan,
inquire with us today!

Job Openings

Wouldn’t you like to work in Japan?
Currently, there is a lack of talent for IT and engineer roles in Japan. But many people feel anxious about suddenly reaching out to Japanese firms or don’t know how to go about doing so. That is where we come in; we can introduce you to firms that match and are appropriate to your skills, expertise, and personality, acting as a bridge between you and the perfect company. We help your Career Fly! Why not talk to us about your aspirations?

At CareerFly, We Can Make You Soar. Here’s Why.

Why 1

Recruitment Specialized in Science and Engineering

We have possession of a large number of leading positions sustaining the fourth industrial revolution. With roles such as development engineers, data scientists, infrastructure engineers, machine design development engineers. We can offer positions to advance your career and in which you can make use of your experience with and knowledge of cutting edge technologies.

Why 2

Simple and Friendly Consultations

Our concept is the support of easy and stress free job transfers to Japan. So, naturally, we can accommodate free of charge support for job applicants. To make things easy, all consultations are carried out online. Our career advisors manage the arrangement of online interviews with recruiting companies (we manage the whole process online, right up to the actual job offer) and counselling, from first to last.

Why 3

Complete Support of Career Progression

Both up until your transfer to a Japanese firm, and in the post-employment period, we offer consistent career support. As and when it is needed, we offer support with visa acquisition, accommodation, the Japanese language, and online educational resources on cross cultural understanding. In cases where problems arise in the workplace, our full time career supporters can step in to resolve the issue.

Positions Managed at Career Fly

IT Engineer Roles

The lack of engineers in Japanese IT firms is severe. Under the current circumstances, where the fostering of engineers in Japan is not keeping up with demand, experienced international talent is highly valued as an immediate asset.

Mechanical Engineer Roles

Within the field of mechanical engineering, the scarcity of technicians is becoming a talking point. The roles we can introduce you to are mainly centred around engineering related to integration essential to the evolution of the Internet of Things, and engineering with a specialised background in mechatronics or CAD based machinery.

Global HR

For Japanese companies that have started to undertake the hiring of international employees, the execution of an efficient hiring process, from start to finish, is essential. Where there are countries who pour their efforts into the employment process, the foremost strategy for Japanese firms is to hire those people with specialised experience in HR.

Global Sales

Within the sales strategies of companies that market their products or services overseas, international employees should be managing sales or business development; their full understanding of their country’s sales customs and culture are extremely advantageous.

Visit Job Openings page


Career Fly Consultants

Irene Lim-Ang






Voices of International Women Working in Japan

Meeting with Career Fly was the best thing I could do while I was job hunting in Japan. They were very committed to knowing more about myself, in order to recommend me the best job possible! She listened without judgement and gave very sincere advice. Just talking to her helped me narrow down my options and gave me a clearer view of what I wanted to do for my next job.

Career consultant of Career Fly kindly supported me all the way from the first contact to companies to the follow-ups after joining one. The personnel communicated with me very often and that helped me a lot to reduce my anxiety. She explained me everything in detail, no matter what and how many times I asked. Career Fly was there for me for 6 month, and they set meetings with as much as 25 companies. Now I’m very happy with my work which I achieved with them.

Common Questions from Job Applicants

  • Q

    What should I do if I’m living overseas?

    It is still possible to look for a job transfer. Please try for jobs which can be acquired through online interviews. Depending on the company, there are cases where you may be requested to meet in person for the final interview. In that instance, talk with them to see if they can be flexible.

  • Q

    How should I go about finding a job in Japan?

    There are several methods available. Job sites, recruitment agencies or networking are some examples. There several kinds of job sites. If you are able to speak Japanese, checking the sites Japanese job seekers themselves usually use (Rikunabi, Bizreach, Mynabi) will enable you to learn about popular firms and occupations. If you can’t speak Japanese, try checking sites that cater to English speakers such as Indeed, Wantedly, Daijob. In addition, from major companies to start-ups, there are a host of recruiting agencies. There are 20,000 companies each with their own differing strengths and specialities. Choose based on whether they handle positions that suit you and the availability of consultants.

  • Q

    I love Japan, but I can’t speak Japanese.

    There are people who have been hired even without Japanese ability. However, we can’t really say there are many of those kinds of positions. Within many Japanese companies, Japanese is the official language of communication and there aren’t many Japanese employees who make use of English. In addition, in the case of foreign affiliated firms, there is a tendency for Japanese branches, based as they are in Japan, to hire those with business level English and Japanese. But if you are an IT engineer then, judging from your technical ability, there are start-up and venture firms which can offer an English work environment. Naturally, it is convenient to have Japanese ability to handle life in Japan, but there are many opportunities for IT engineers.

  • Q

    What should I do to get a visa?

    The support for visa acquisition is carried out by the hiring company. After receiving a tentative job offer, it is necessary to apply for a certificate of eligibility. We will communicate with you about the necessary documents for this. After applying, there is a wait of about 3 months, then when the certificate is issued and reaches you, you will need to continue the application at the nearest Japanese embassy. For further details, please inquire at the nearest Japanese embassy.

  • Q

    I’m not sure how to prepare for my new life.

    There are many things to prepare for your life in Japan after receiving a job offer. But, in many cases, a large number of procedures cannot be completed until after coming to Japan. Accommodation, utilities, address registration, mobile phone contracts, opening a bank account are some examples. Whilst in your home country, research to see if there is anything that can be done online. It’s important to consult with your employer’s HR division as much as possible.

  • Q

    How should I answer when asked about my desired salary?

    Please make sure to clearly communicate your desired basic annual income. However, the hiring company will state the range of possible salaries in their job advertisement. Firstly, measure the balance between the stated salary range, your current (or previous) annual income and your desired salary, then communicate this with your potential employer. A tendency that international jobseekers have (in particular engineers) is to state a desired income of around 1.5 million to 2 million more than their current income. As one approaches senior or manager levels, it is sometimes possible to increase one’s wage by this degree, but this is quite rare. A wage increase of 500,000 – 800,000 yen is realistic and a possible negotiation point. In cases where the employee is highly skilled and well matched to the company, it is possible to receive an increase of 1 million yen or more, but this is uncommon.

  • Q

    I don’t have confidence in my ability to fill out the application forms.

    Please send them to us as a set. When applying to a Japanese firm a set of ① Japanese Resume ②Record of Employment History ③ English CV is necessary. If you are uncertain of how to fill out ②③ or the appropriate expressions for each section, we can offer corrections. Please use the contact form to enquire at your convenience.